Jacob Dinardo-Arrowroot Coffee Co.


What inspired you to launch your business? 

My dad inspired me to launch a business. Growing up, my dad would always ask me questions and help me solve problems. He would say, “there is a great idea out there that no one has ever had. You just have to think of it.” Imagining how I could create or change things to help people became a core part of me. I always knew I would start a business I just did not know what it would be until it happened. Coffee connected those dots for me. I loved coffee even as a little kid. As I grew older and learned about the industry, I saw how I wanted to improve things and help people. 

What is your passion? 

I am passionate about taking care of people. Something inside me comes to life when I see an opportunity to help people. I believe that businesses have a responsibility to take care of people in ways that people cannot take care of themselves. At Arrowroot, we have made forward-thinking decisions to help prevent climate change. For example, we roast on a fully electric coffee roaster. Our electric roaster is a decision I made as a business owner that affects people and their lives. When I started, natural gas was the industry standard and, frankly, the easier path to take. But now, when someone goes to the grocery store, they have the option to purchase electric roasted coffee. Giving people a more climate-friendly option is a big deal to me. Businesses should feel responsible for making the right decisions to help people. As a business owner, I have to say, “I’m going to make this choice because it is right and will help people even if it is hard.”

How do you start your day? 

It should not be a surprise that the first thought that runs through my head each morning is, “which coffee should I brew today?” I’m constantly sampling new coffees for Arrowroot and from other roasters. After I nerd out about my coffee, I will eat breakfast and take my dog Abel on a walk around the neighborhood.

Favorite local business?

That is not a fair question. I love shopping at so many local businesses. Robert’s Seafood is fantastic; the olive oil and spices are amazing. Buzz Bomb Brewing in downtown Springfield has a great atmosphere, and Mockingbird Bakery in Rochester has delicious pastries. Triptych Brewing makes my favorite beer (the Dank Meme). I get my hair cut at Hair of the Dog. Too many great businesses to list.

What do you deem as success in business? 

I feel successful when I can provide something that makes someone’s life better. It could be as simple as a great cup of coffee or as complex as providing a place where people feel valued, appreciated, and allowed to be themselves.

What is your number one piece of advice for business owners?

Always work to improve yourself. Your ability to improve the lives of your family, friends, employees, and community is dependent on your growth and improvement. The more you learn, change, and care for yourself, the more you can help others. A healthy business starts with healthy people.

Find out more about Arrowroot Coffee Co




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