Join Illinois Local.
Illinois Local members join to support, grow, and celebrate together.
Business Conference & Awards
Our 2025 conference and awards will take place on Monday, September 8th at the Grant Conservatory of Music & Dance. The awards recognize four Illinois Local member businesses and one individual. The awards are designed and sponsored by our members.
Our members receive a monthly newsletter.
Illinois Local monthly networking events are hosted by members in the state’s capital, Springfield. You can find a full list here.
“Connecting us with other local businesses and individuals with similar philosophies, Illinois Local has most certainly helped us to grow. They have gone above and beyond by providing networking opportunities, free professional photographs of our products, gifting our products to others in our community, and highlighting us in their social media posts and newsletters.”
Members complete six questions for a feature on our website. The news page is our most visited on the site.
With our help, members have featured on NPR Illinois, Illinois Country Living Magazine, Sweet Spot Living Magazine, and Prairie Land Buzz Magazine.
We are active on social media, with posts on Instagram, Facebook, member only Facebook group, and LinkedIn.
“We love being connected with other members through Illinois Local. It is great to have a network of individuals at our fingertips. If our clients ask us a referral, we have an easy resource to go to in order to connect them to whatever service they are looking for.”
Our directory is driven by the keywords used by members in their profiles. Other directory systems commonly use a set of pre-determined categories. Illinois Local's directory is more intelligent. In addition members can list multiple locations.
Illinois Local organizes and pays for four photoshoots a year. The photographer shoots up to 15 members in the studio or at various locations across Illinois.
Small Business Saturday
The 2025 Small Business Saturday Holiday Market takes place on November 29th at the Expo Building at the Illinois State Fairgrounds. Small Business Saturday is one of the busiest retail days of the year. We are a proud American Express Neighborhood Champion for Small Business Saturday.