Six Questions with Bethany Emmert -Young Honey Co.

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What inspired you to launch your business? 

I have always loved making and creating things since I was young. Having my own business to do that professionally was just the logical next step. I love being able to share my creations with others and be my own boss. I've definitely cycled through quite a few options of "what I want to be when I grow up", and no matter what I always come back to shop owner. 

What are you most passionate about?

Making real world connections. I love networking and getting to know other local people and business owners. 

How do you start your day? 

Protein shake, and the gym. It gives me more energy throughout the day. 

Favorite local business to shop at: 

It's hard to choose just one favorite. Probably True Colors Floral, I have an unhealthy obsession with plants.

What do you deem as success in business? 

I want everyone to be able to find something that "fits" them. Whether that's clothing, an art piece, or even a cool incense holder. If a customer resonates with what I make, I consider that a success.

What is your number one piece of advice for business owners? 

Ask for help. I have grown so much in the past year simply because I got over my pride and need to do everything myself and asked for help when I needed it. 


You can find out more about Young Honey Co. on




Mollie Moore-Flora Roasting Co.


Josh Hester -The Storyteller Studios